Ready to Break Free?
Transform Your Life.
Achieve Your Dreams.
Make Your Life 10 Times Better This Year.
Do you...

  • Feel stagnant and unfulfilled? 
  • Struggle to achieve your goals? 
  • Feel overwhelmed by the demands of life? 
  • Feel like you lack direction or purpose? 
  • Experience ongoing conflict or dissatisfaction in one or more of your primary relationships? 
  • Struggle with self-confidence and self-worth?
  • Wish you had better work-life balance? 
  • Battle with procrastination and a lack of motivation?
  • Deal with persistent stress or anxiety?
  • Struggle with time management and productivity?
  • Yearn for career growth and advancement?
  • Long for financial freedom and stability? 
  • Wish you would follow through on what you say you want to do? 

If you're nodding your head, know that you're not alone — and more importantly, help is on the way.

In all those years of required education, we may have learned reading, writing, and arithmetic, but we weren't taught the crucial elements of a successful and fulfilling life. 

It's not your fault. You don't know what you don't know, and you can't see what you can't see. Your human brain is programmed in ways that are getting in your way. 

Here's the good news: I can show you what's missing. I can show you what's in the way. I can give you all the elements that will make your life and your challenges so much easier. 

Without Having To...

  • DIY it
  • Read even more self-help books
  • Spend all your free time listening to podcasts
  • Figure out how to apply everything you learn in those books and podcasts to your specific circumstances
  • Do another decade of therapy that has yet to help you get where you want to go
  • Keep hoping it will get better
  • Settle for less than what you want
  • Try to keep yourself motivated
  • Have a PhD in human behavior

here's what you can expect If You don't solve this problem...

Feeling Stuck in Career > Without addressing career stagnation, you may continue to feel unfulfilled, underutilized, and lacking in professional growth opportunities. This could lead to prolonged dissatisfaction, decreased motivation, and missed chances for advancement or higher income.

Financial Struggles > Failure to address financial challenges may result in ongoing stress, debt accumulation, and inability to achieve financial goals. You may experience constant worry about money, limited opportunities for savings or investments, and difficulty covering essential expenses, leading to a cycle of financial instability.

Body Image Concerns > Neglecting to address body image issues can lead to poor self-esteem, unhealthy habits, and dissatisfaction with one's physical appearance. This may contribute to a negative body image, disordered eating patterns, and increased risk of developing mental health issues such as depression or anxiety.

Relationship Challenges > Ignoring relationship issues may lead to ongoing conflict, resentment, and emotional distance between partners. You may experience feelings of loneliness, dissatisfaction, and lack of intimacy in your relationships, ultimately jeopardizing your long-term happiness and well-being.

Marriage Problems > Failure to address marital problems can result in increased tension, communication breakdowns, and eventual relationship deterioration. You may face the risk of divorce, emotional distress, and negative impacts on your mental and physical health, as well as on your children and family dynamics.

Parenting Stress > Without addressing parenting challenges, you may struggle to manage family dynamics, discipline issues, and child-rearing responsibilities effectively. This could lead to feelings of overwhelm, guilt, and inadequacy as parents, as well as strained relationships with your children.

Time Management Issues > Neglecting to address time management issues may result in ongoing inefficiency, stress, and difficulty balancing responsibilities. You may experience constant overwhelm, missed deadlines, and decreased productivity, hindering your ability to achieve personal and professional goals.

Health Issues > Ignoring health issues may lead to worsening physical health, chronic conditions, and decreased quality of life. You may experience an increased risk of illness, reduced energy levels, and limited ability to engage in daily activities or pursue your passions.

Lack of Personal Growth > Without addressing personal growth goals, you may remain stagnant, unfulfilled, and lacking in purpose or direction. This could lead to feelings of boredom, apathy, and missed opportunities for self-discovery or meaningful experiences.

Business Struggles > Failure to address business challenges can lead to stagnation, financial loss, and eventual business failure. You may experience increased stress, uncertainty, and difficulty attracting clients or scaling your business, jeopardizing your entrepreneurial success and long-term viability.

Emotional Distress > Neglecting emotional well-being may result in ongoing stress, anxiety, and difficulty coping with life's challenges. You may experience heightened emotional sensitivity, mood swings, and decreased resilience, impacting your overall mental health and relationships.

10X Your Life

Transform Your Future!

This program is an unparalleled opportunity for transformation and growth, offering a unique blend of personalized coaching, accountability, and actionable strategies designed to help you unleash your full potential and elevate every aspect of your life. 

With expert guidance and unwavering support, you'll break free from limitations, overcome obstacles, and create lasting change that propels you toward the life of your dreams. 

Prepare to embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and fulfillment like never before, where every milestone achieved brings you one step closer to living your most extraordinary life.

"Mindy creates this really safe environment where she just listens and she asks these really amazing questions.She has so much experience and she's always learning and she's always changing. And she brings that experience into the coaching sessions. And so I always feel like I'm with an expert and I always know that she's gonna help me change my life and continue to grow and continue to get better. So, I would tell you do it hands down. If you get a chance to coach with her, yes, do it 100%. You will feel differently, think differently, and your life will

be better."

The Solution

This program is uniquely positioned to help you overcome past failed attempts by offering a tailored, one-on-one coaching experience that addresses your specific challenges, goals, and needs. Unlike self-help books, online resources, traditional therapy, or self-directed programs, this coaching program provides personalized support, accountability, and guidance every step of the way.  Here's how this program stands out:

1. Personalized Approach: The program provides personalized coaching sessions (with me as your coach) to identify your challenges, strengths, and goals. Through assessments and ongoing dialogue, I understand your needs and tailor strategies to suit you. This ensures targeted support aligned with your aspirations.

 2. Accountability and Support: Unlike self-help resources, this coaching program offers consistent accountability, support, and guidance. I'll be your partner, holding you accountable, offering encouragement, and helping you overcome challenges. This ensures you make effective progress towards your goals.

 3. Focus-Oriented Approach: Unlike traditional therapy, which spends a lot of time in the past, this program is future-oriented and aims for tangible results. We collaborate to create action plans, implement strategies, and foster empowering mindsets for positive change. By focusing on actionable steps, you can overcome obstacles and make progress.

 4. Rapid and Transformative Results: This coaching program delivers rapid and transformative outcomes, unlike slower or less supportive approaches. Through one-on-one coaching, you'll experience breakthroughs and overcome limitations quickly. With a skilled coach's guidance, you can make significant strides in your personal and professional life, achieving results previously deemed unattainable.

"What I have loved most about coaching with Mindy is that she is super compassionate and understanding, but she doesn't let me get away with anything, which is exactly what I need. She knows how to hold the space for me when I need to be heard, but she also knows how to tell me the things that I probably don't wanna hear, but definitely need to hear as a result. For anybody who is considering coaching with Mindy, I would tell them to just do it. You are going to get so much insight. You're going to be able to create so many new results for yourself. You absolutely will not regret it."

This program solves the challenge of achieving significant life upgrades without overwhelming complexity by providing personalized coaching and actionable strategies tailored to your unique goals and circumstances.

Oh hey, I’m Mindy

In my mid 30's, I found myself divorced, something I never imagined in a million years, and then remarried in a blended family, something so hard I couldn't imagine any way of surviving it, much less thriving in it. 

My life was a giant mix of negative emotion. If I wasn't feeling frustrated or angry, I was feeling sad or hurt. Nothing that had helped me in the past was helping. I felt like I was drowning in pain, and I didn't know the way out. 

Today, I'm still in that same blended family, and they are all still doing the same things. It's not that I don't ever have moments of frustration, I do. I'm human, after all. But negative emotions are small blips in a tapestry of joy, peace, and love. 

Best of all, as I worked on my #1 problem, my blended family situation, everything else in my life got better. I couldn't have imagined 10 years ago that my life would be this amazing. 

With coaching, I 10xed my marriage, my blended family experience, my time, my money, my career, my relationship with my kids, my relationship with my body, and most importantly, my relationship with myself. 

After I did all this for myself, I wanted to help others do the same thing. I stopped tracking my coaching sessions when I reached 10,000, and that was quite some time ago. I've helped thousands of people just like you 10X their lives. It's your turn. 

What's included in
10X Your Life
This transformative framework works because it combines personalized guidance, actionable strategies, and unwavering support to empower individuals to break through limitations, unlock their full potential, and achieve remarkable growth in every aspect of their lives.
1:1 Coaching with Mindy

  • 1:1 coaching is the program. 1:1 coaching is how you 10X. 1:1 coaching is the secret weapon.
  • We will meet together approximately three times a month for 30 minutes for one year.
  • This is where we will find the obstacles in your way and the programming you aren't aware of. We will question and challenge these programs and write new ones. We will create plans, tactics, and strategies. We will help you heal from all the things that happened to you in the past so you can move forward whole and complete, no longer weighed down. 
  • 1:1 coaching will likely be the most powerful, effective thing you've ever experienced.

When you start looking at your brain consistently, you will make consistent progress toward what you want. The built-in accountability will keep you showing up for yourself, unlike your previous attempts. 

BONUS: Live Free Love Life Membership

  • Path to Freedom > To keep our 1:1 sessions focused only on you (your brain, your thoughts, your feelings, your actions, your desires, your obstacles, your solutions, etc), you have access to the Live Free Love Life membership portal. Inside is my entire library of content, including your "Path to Freedom." 
  • Group Coaching Calls > In addition to your 1:1 calls, you have access to group coaching calls. This will give you opportunities to get coached in between sessions. You will also make faster progress as you watch others get coached — when you aren't in the emotion of the story it will be easier for your brain to see and apply the coaching to your situation. 
  • Drills > Just like your favorite sport, drills create muscle memory and help you show up the way you want to on the field (in the moment). We do the same thing. 
  • Community > Connect with like-minded individuals and support each other on the journey.
  • AI Assistance > My AI is fully trained on all my content. Use it to get answers to your questions 24/7. 

Learn the crucial elements to living a successful and fulfilling life - all those things you didn't learn in school. Use the group coaching calls and the community to implement what you learn. 

BONUS: Support Between Sessions

  • To 10X, we want to create momentum. That's why you'll have access to me throughout the whole year through Telegram. Get in a fight with your spouse, eat off protocol, have one of those days where you just want to quit... no problem. Send me a message. 
  • You'll never be left to figure it out on your own
  • You won't lose momentum between sessions
  • You'll have me available right at your fingertips for anything that comes up

You will have all the support you need on your way to 10X. You can absolutely do this! 

BONUS: Morning & Evening Journals

  • 10Xing requires going all in. You will be working on this every day. I've made it super easy to do your personal work with morning and evening journals. 
  • Just follow the prompts and watch yourself up-level. 

If you follow the program, 10X is inevitable. 


  • 4-6 hours going deep to workshop anything you want, just the two of us. Most of my clients use this for creating, planning, strategizing, and/or knocking out all the obstacles on the way to their goal.
  • This will be on Zoom (as usual). We'll choose a date, hours, and breaks that work for both of us. 

One day to work through something that's been holding you back for ages or make tons of progress towards something you want. This is going to be fun!

The benefits of coaching reach far beyond fixing the problem you came to fix. 

For example, if your primary goal is to advance in your career, in addition to achieving that, you will also enhance your confidence, self-worth, work-life balance, and financial security and expand your opportunities for growth—just to start. 

We will be changing your brain. Your brain goes with you everywhere you go. Very quickly, you will start noticing changes in all other areas of your life. Your relationships will be better. Your health will be better. The way you approach problems will be different. The way you see things will be different. The tools you used to fix your original problem will be easily applied to other areas. 

In essence, the true benefit of the program is your ability to fulfill your potential, achieve your goals, and experience fulfillment and success in your life. 

"I loved my coaching experience with Mindy. She helped me see that I could have compassion for myself in my situation, and she taught me that I didn't need to have so much judgment towards myself and for other people in my life. Working with Mindy helped me realize that it was totally fine to not do things perfectly. My life is different after coaching with Mindy because I am now better able to question my long-held beliefs about myself and my life and those around me.  If you're considering coaching with Mindy, I would tell you to totally do it. It is one of the best gifts that you can give yourself."


What’s Included
approximately Three 30-min 1:1 calls with me per month

 Live Free Love Life Membership

For the entire year!

Morning & Evening Journals

Easy prompts for DAILY growth

Support Between Sessions

If something comes up between sessions, send me a Telegram. You don't have to wait for our next session.

I've got you! 


One special day to workshop something big. So fun!

All for only $10K
Or 6 easy payments of $1697

Not sure about making this kind of investment? No problem.  On the checkout page you'll see an option for a 30-day trial for ONLY $300. You'll get 3 sessions with me to try it out. Once you coach with me and see how much your life improves in just a few weeks, it will be a no brainer.

  • You're feeling stagnant or unfulfilled.
  • You're struggling to achieve your goals.
  • You feel stuck.
  • You feel overwhelmed by the demands of life.
  • You feel like you lack direction or purpose.
  • You experience ongoing conflict or dissatisfaction in one or more of your primary relationships.
  • You struggle with self-confidence and/or self-worth.
  • You wish you had better work-life balance.
  • You battle with procrastination and/or a lack of motivation.
  • You're not sure how to get to the next level.
  • You deal with persistent stress or anxiety.
  • You struggle with time management and/or productivity.
  • You yearn for career growth and advancement.
  • You long for financial freedom and stability.
  • You wish you would follow through on what you say you want to do.
  • You're not sure what to do with your life.
  • You're not fully committed to your personal growth journey or are unwilling to invest the time, effort, and resources required for coaching.
  • You’re resistant to change or unwilling to step out of your comfort zone.
  • You want to remain a victim. You tend to blame external circumstances or other people for your challenges, and you’d rather continue doing so than improve your life.
  • You have a fixed mindset, believing that your abilities, intelligence, or circumstances are static and unchangeable. 
  • You’re seeking quick fixes or instant gratification. 
  • You’re closed-minded or resistant to feedback, new ideas, or alternative perspectives. 
  • You have severe mental health issues. While coaching can complement therapeutic interventions and support personal development, it is not a substitute for professional mental health treatment. 


Here are some of the results you can expect as you go through the program: 
1-Month Milestones

Increased Clarity: After one month of coaching, you will experience a greater sense of clarity and direction in your goals and priorities. Through targeted questioning and reflection exercises, you will gain insights into your values, strengths, and areas for growth, allowing you to identify concrete action steps to move forward.

Improved Self-Awareness: You will develop a deeper understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, leading to increased self-awareness and insight into your patterns and habits. This enhanced self-awareness will empower you to make more conscious choices and break free from limiting beliefs or unhelpful patterns that may have held you back in the past.

Enhanced Motivation: You will feel a renewed sense of motivation and enthusiasm for pursuing your goals and dreams. By setting clear intentions and taking initial steps towards your desired outcomes, you will begin to build momentum and confidence in your ability to create positive change in your life.

3-Month Milestones

Tangible Progress: After three months of coaching, you will see tangible progress toward your goals and objectives. Whether you're making strides in your career, improving your relationships, or prioritizing self-care, you will witness the fruits of your efforts and celebrate small victories along the way. 

Increased Resilience: You will develop greater resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges or setbacks. Through the support and guidance of your coach, you will learn to reframe obstacles as opportunities for growth, tap into your inner resources, and persevere in the pursuit of your goals, even when faced with adversity.

Expanded Comfort Zone: You will step outside your comfort zone and embrace new opportunities for growth and expansion. By taking calculated risks and pushing past your perceived limitations, you will discover newfound confidence and courage to explore new possibilities and stretch beyond your previous boundaries.

6-Month Milestones

Deepened Self-Discovery: As you continue your coaching journey, you will experience a deeper level of self-discovery and transformation. Through ongoing reflection, exploration, and experimentation, you will uncover hidden strengths, passions, and potentials within yourself, leading to a greater sense of authenticity and fulfillment.

Enhanced Relationships: You will see improvements in your relationships with others, whether it's through better communication, increased empathy, or stronger boundaries. By applying the insights and skills gained through coaching, you will cultivate deeper connections and more harmonious interactions with family, friends, and colleagues.

Sustainable Habits: You will establish sustainable habits and routines that support your overall well-being and success. Whether it's prioritizing self-care, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, or practicing mindfulness, you will integrate these practices into your daily life and experience lasting positive changes in your habits and behaviors.

If you're tired of going it alone, what are your other options? 

Executive Coaching Programs > Executive coaching programs tailored for corporate leaders and executives often come with a premium price tag, ranging from thousands to tens of thousands of dollars per month. While these programs may offer advanced coaching techniques and strategies, they are typically designed for a specific target audience and may not provide the comprehensive training and support needed.

Leadership Development Retreats > Luxury leadership development retreats held in exotic locations generally offer immersive experiences and intensive coaching sessions aimed at cultivating advanced leadership skills and personal growth. The high costs typically cover accommodation, meals, and premium coaching services but don't generally include ongoing support. It may not address your particular situation, problems, or needs. 

Elite Mastermind Groups > Exclusive mastermind groups facilitated by renowned experts or thought leaders in specific industries or areas of expertise. These elite gatherings provide access to valuable networks, strategic insights, and personalized mentorship, often commanding significant membership fees or participation costs.

These super-expensive alternatives may offer valuable insights and opportunities for growth, but they may not be accessible or practical for everyone. More importantly, they may not be personalized enough to help you 10X. 

"Coaching with Mindy is like getting a deep tissue massage. Yes, it can hurt a bit, but the relief and transformation has you coming out of the session feeling like a brand-new person. Before working with Mindy, I’d get so lost in all the voices of people who knew it “better”. People who would suggest things that worked for them but didn’t always consider that everyone’s different. Mindy helped me take that autonomy and agency back to approach business in a way that felt aligned with me. I don’t worry as much about what others are saying and I’m way more discerning about who I choose to listen to, and the first person I listen to is always myself. 

Thank you Mindy!"

Zayne Khan
Happy Client
What is the Cost of Doing Nothing?

Stagnation and Regret

Continued Discomfort or Unhappiness

Diminished Quality of Life

Limited Potential and Self-Limiting Beliefs

Missed Opportunities for Growth

The cost of inaction extends beyond immediate consequences to encompass long-term implications for your well-being, growth, and fulfillment. 

Fire away…
  • How much time commitment is required for this program?
    We will meet together about 3 times a month for 30 minutes for one year (I take one week off a month plus one extra week during the summer and at Christmas. So you'll have 38 sessions). How much time you spend outside of that is up to you. I'd recommend at least 30 minutes a day working on what we've discussed, doing the work in your journals, or taking advantage of your FREE Live Free Love Life membership.
  • I'm not sure if coaching is right for me. How do I know if I'll benefit from this program?
    Coaching benefits anyone committed to personal or professional growth. Our program is designed to meet you where you are and support you in achieving your goals, whether it's advancing your career, improving relationships, or enhancing overall well-being. If you're still not sure, go ahead and join Live Free Love Life and get coached during one of the group calls. Then you'll know for yourself what it's like and if it's for you.
  • What if I'm skeptical about the effectiveness of coaching?
    It's normal to have doubts or reservations about trying something new. That just means your brain is doing its job. This program is grounded in proven coaching methodologies and backed by real-life success stories from satisfied clients. We invite you to give it a try and experience the transformative power of coaching for yourself.
  • I'm concerned about the cost of the program. Is it worth the investment?
    Investing in yourself and your personal growth is one of the most valuable investments you can make. This program is designed to deliver tangible results and lasting change that can positively impact every area of your life. Consider the long-term benefits of achieving your goals, enhancing your skills, and unlocking your full potential. We also offer flexible payment options and financing plans to make the program more accessible. AND there is a 30-day trial option for only $300, which makes it a no-brainer. Only you can decide if it's worth it to you but for me - 1000%. I don't think there's much better you could spend your money on - on the entire planet.
  • What if I don't have a specific goal in mind or I'm not sure what I want to work on?
    That's perfectly okay! I am masterfully skilled at helping clients gain clarity, explore their values and priorities, and identify meaningful goals that align with their aspirations. Whether you're seeking clarity on your career path, improving relationships, or enhancing overall well-being, we'll work together to define and pursue your objectives. I also have clients who simply coach on anything and everything that comes up between sessions. Even without a specific goal, you can 10X your life simply by chiseling away at the layers that are hiding your brilliance. Your triggers and problems will show us where something is waiting to be chiseled.
  • What sets your coaching program apart from other personal development or self-help resources?
    Unlike generic self-help books or one-size-fits-all programs, my coaching program offers personalized support, accountability, and guidance tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. With one-on-one coaching sessions, actionable strategies, and ongoing support, we'll create a customized roadmap to help you achieve meaningful and sustainable results.
  • How do I know if I'll get along with you as my coach?
    Building a strong rapport and trust with your coach is essential for a successful coaching relationship. If you're not sure that's me, you can get a good sense of who I am and what I would be like to work with by listening to my podcast (Live Free Love Life), joining my Live Free Love Life membership, or signing up for the 30-day Trial option.
  • What sets your coaching program apart from other coaching programs?
    Not only am I Master Certified in Life Coaching and Relationship Coaching, but I have more experience than almost any other coach you'll come across (I stopped tracking my sessions when I hit 10,000). When you take out all the experienced coaches who don't offer 1:1 anymore, there are even fewer. And most of the coaches left charge significantly more for their programs. The incredible amount of experience I have allows me to quickly laser in on the obstacles in your way so you're able to make progress more quickly and efficiently.
  • Got another question?
    Please email me at I want you to feel confident about your decision, regardless of what that decision is.
Only 8 spots left! Get Yours NOW! 
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  • Payment

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Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($10,000.00)$10000.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (6x $1697.00)6x $1697.00
  • Preferred option
    30-Day Trial then Annual Payment ($300 today, $10000.00 in 30 days)$10000.00/yr

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1x10X Your Life$0

All prices in USD
